OK... so as you know Connor lost his first tooth... and of course, I wasn't ready for it! You see, about 6 months ago I saw this "Tooth Fairy kit" online. It had a little pouch for the tooth and an "official certificate" notifying all who read which tooth he lost, etc. It is VERY cute... so I was going to get it... but thought I had plenty of time, wrong! By the time his tooth had actually come out, the kit had not yet arrived (By the way... as I type this now still no kit!) I did try to talk him into waiting for the "paperwork" from the tooth fairy to arrive before we put it under his pillow (I know I am crazy... NO JUDGING please). I even went as far as to try and bribe my 5 year old with a.... wait... here it comes... a "Lost My 1st Tooth Party!" complete with Carvel Ice Cream Cake! Didn't work... he then wanted the tooth fairy to visit that night... AND have the party the next night! I really thought it would be cute to use this kit... BUT he was so excited for his tooth to come out and have the Tooth Fairy visit we gave into the wishes of my precious 5yr Old!
He was so excited and I was just praying he would actually go to sleep that night! We had a BBQ for Memorial Day and yes... we gave them Ice Cream! Yep... another reason I wanted to wait but lucky this tooth fairy had backup as Connor did fall asleep first. Gavin you ask? That's a tale for another time... let's just say... not so much.
So off we went to go put it under his pillow and when I handed him a little bag he was very confused? Why do I need this?
Um... because your tooth is so small and we want the Tooth Fairy to be able to find it under your pillow.
So under the pillow it went (yes he is sleeping at the wrong end of the bed... don't ask).
We hadn't even left the room and he was already touching the bag! See... you all thought I was being silly didn't ya!
So lucky for us my son LOVES Shiny New Coins. He was very concerned that the tooth fairy not bring him "fake" money. What is that you ask? Oh that would be paper money... yep... he thinks it's fake... love it! So we got off cheap this time... have a feeling we may pay with Gavin!
So the next day he came running in to show us! Sorry no pics of this event... WAY too early in the AM for that. But he did want to buy something with his money. He wanted a Star Wars figure?!?! What!?!? Star Wars... my baby is too little for that... isn't he??? So after school Peter took him to pick out a Star Wars guy and he even wanted to get one for his brother... aw! So he did and surprised Gavin.
So that night we did have a "Lost My 1st Tooth Party"... see mom learned that from you! We have party for anything in my family. Connor was able to choose anything he wanted for dinner and desert. His choice was Dogs and Burgers and of course Ice Cream Cake! Works for me... that was easy!
Yep... think Gavin may have liked the cake... not sure?
So kids don't forget to take care of your teeth... or else....
Love to all!
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