It was a nice surprise to wake up to a sunny morning... not the usual grey and rainy one! Such a nice surprise that we jumped on it... and decided it was a "BEACH DAY"!!! We kicked it into high gear this morning and actual got out the door in 1 hour... that's from from the moment we decided it was, in fact, a beach day to pulling out of the driveway. Not to shabby... but a record we'll want to beat for the next time... there will be a next time... right MR. Sun?
Ahhh... the smell of the ocean air is my third favorite smell. Just breathing in the air and you are calm and relaxed... well that is until you see your two little ones running toward the ocean with the waves... did i mention rough waves... yea... um "relax" is on hold for a moment.
They were two little fishes for the day! They made a bee line for the water the moment we got there and they didnt want to come out. They were loving the boogie boards again this year which is a plus. Connor has been alot more daring this year so far and was going out further than ever before (you all realize this DOES not make it easy for me to "relax").

Gavin's approach was a little different... he's definitley more of "I'll let the waves come to me" kind of guy.
He was getting more brave towards the end of the day though...
They did manage to take out (and spreach across the beach) every toy we brought with us out. No wonder why Peter keeps packing less and less each time... he swears he doesn't.
Peter even got the fishes out of the water... well almost out of the water to help him build a castle.

They had a lot of fun and we had two very sleepy boys that night. I was so glad we ventured out yesterday because guesss what we woke to this morning... no Happy Mr. Sun!
Well, we made the best of it and decided to go to our local State park which luckily for us only 15 minutes away. I figured we could watch some boats, play on the rocks and wade around in some tidal pools.
I did say "wading" right? I realy do know better with my two boys. I was prepared with a set of extra clothes... with these two... ALWAYS have a set of extra clothes!

Again they didn't want to get out... so we had to bribe them... yep bribe them with a snack and the chance to watch the kites and boats go by. No judging... it worked!
So we did have a nice weekend start to finish. So I'm hoping this happy feeling holds us over for a few days because guess what... NO Mr.Sun for a few days just his grumpy brother Mr. Rain... and the BEST part is... it's summer vacation... no school! ahhhh
Love to all!
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