and his side kick...
Which happens to be one of his biggest fans. He was screaming... "You can do it Connor! You can do it Connor"... aw he not listening me!"
Connor and one of his coaches... daddy!
Batter up!
Playing the field...
The cap cracks me up...
And.... boredom begins to set in...
The game was a success! No score is kept at this level and the WHOLE team plays the field at the same time... it is so funny to see them all on the field with really no clue! No pictures of this bc too many faces to blur! Each team gets up to bat 3x... I believe it is suppose to be 4 but our game was already running into OT.
Lesson learned today
- Um I really do not know anything about baseball! Oh boy... this is going to be a long season lol! I guess those batting hats are there for a reason.
- Running to your son when he has just gotten hit with a ball in the chest will get the response " Mommm.... I'Mmmm finnne"... with him walking right past you. I guess mommies day of helping with boo boos is best left for at home with no one around. sniff.sniff.
- It IS sunblock season ALREADY... how did that happen?!
So after the game quick run home to try and eat something but too much excitment... and then it was off to the opening ceramony! It was alot of fun. The teams line up (and in our case a sibling... Gavin) and they march on to the field following the flags and drums! They all sit with their team again we had an extra person... Gavin. Oh he was so excited to sit with them. He actually chose or should I say insisted sitting with them over ME... hmmmph. So a few speakers and a National Anthom and they were done. Good thing too... it was so HOT out! So a trip home, playing outside with Iain, ate lunch outside then it was off for a cool treat...
ICE CREAM... the season has begun!
So the first ball of the season was thrown today... so here's to a fun and exciting T-ball season!
Is there a T-ball for Dummies book?
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