Thursday, April 2, 2009

Out with the old, in with the new

Connor has not been feeling so good this week, nothing serious, just a really bad cold. So he has been camped out on "Nani's" bed this week. He has quite enjoyed watching T.V, playing with his cars and sleeping on it. The other night Peter tried to get him to go into his own bed but this bed won out. I do have to agree it is more roomier than his current sleeping arrangements... which is a toddler bed. You can all see where I'm going with this story right?!?!

This is his Toddler bed:

So today after napping we asked him if he would like to have a "big boy" bed? His eyes went wide... and the response was "Yes! Oh boy!". I'm stating, for the record, that I am NOT ready for this! My little peanut in a big bed?!?! Yes, I know I went from my crib, which from what my mother tells me, I couldn't have really enjoyed because I was always climbing out of it, straight into a big girls bed. And yes, I know most kids go from crib to big bed and skip the toddler bed altogether. In my defense, it just happened that the crib we chose goes from crib to toddler bed to full bed. So I just need a little adjusting! I need time, baby steps for me! You are probably also thinking, why did I even say anything to him?!?! Well that would because I thought he would say no! I once got him a new pillow which I thought was a good thing and after 2-3 nights he asked for his old one back. So going with the same theory... we are "trying out" the big boy bed to see if he likes it. We have taken the Trundle Bed from under the day bed in the playroom and moved it upstairs.

I must say... our little "experiment" is not working out so well for me... so far he LOVES it!

He looks so tiny in it!

Guess I am going to be going bed shopping soon! Hey mom -you want to go test some beds out? haha


  1. He's Allll Grown up!

  2. Getting to be such a big boy, but will always be Nani's baby doll. Anyone know who Nani's baby doll is?
