Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Hasbro Visit

Today was Gavin's 4-6mo check up at Hasbro Peds G/I. I was unable to go this time because Connor is home sick from school today. The poor guys has a high temp and really bad running nose. So he was all set up with breakfast and a movie.

There was no sense in tossing a coin on who was going to go with Gavin as I have been told in a very nice and politically correct way (by the Doc) that it was okay to reschedule... if Peter was not able to come with me. He didn't think I should come by myself again. I cannot figure out why???

Gavin was all set with his backpack filled with cars! And of course a cereal bar and lollipop bribe (no judging please).

Every time his weight and Height is checked:

and his least favorite test... the blood pressure "machine". I'm shocked he actually sat somewhat still for it this time. On the last visit they couldn't even get a reading he was freaking out so much.

So... the visit went well! His liver tests are right where they should be and all of his other tests, white blood cell count and red blood cell count and platelets, etc. are up this time! But again... I keep getting told that they will go up and down. Focus on the small victories! He even thinks that his spleen may have shrunk a little more! Yippee! The doctor wants us to go see the surgeon again some time before our next visit with him which is in 4-6 months. He wants the surgeon to be familiar with Gavin in the event they decide he needs surgery down the line.
So... since he was so good he got his lollipop and a visit to the water fountain...

And fish tank...

I think a visit to the gift shop may have happened because 2 new buses have been added to our car stash here!
So it was a good visit, and I can breathe again... till next time. Thank you all for your positive thoughts, wishes and prayers! They really do work!
We love you lots.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Some positve thoughts.

It's that time again... Peds G/I visit! Gavin will be going to the Doctor again on Tuesday morning. So... if you all could cross your fingers, send out some positive thoughts and a few prayers for him we would be forever grateful!

Also, some very good friends of ours have little boy who will be going to see a specialist/surgeon on Monday for something he's going through. If you would be so kind and please send some positive waves his way as well that would be awesome!

We will keep you all updated on Tuesday afternoon.

Thanks for all your support.


Saturday, March 28, 2009

how much fun can you have in one day...

Wow the birds get up really early and so was I for that matter! I even had Peter set the alarm so that I would be up at 6am, I had hopes we would need it... but we didn't. As usual, Connor was up before 6am. Our very own little human alarm clock! Wondering why I "wanted" to be up so early? Well, I was heading out for a walk with my friend Sara and her friend Susan at 6:30AM... yes... I said 6:30... AM!!! I know shocking right... me up and actually out the door at 6:30AM! I figured I could handle a nice casual walk thru the neighborhood. Enjoying the quiet and peaceful morning. Yea... well not so much. I was transported back in time, to when I would go for a walk with my mother. We would no sooner step outside and she would be off like a shot! And I would be jogging to catch up with her, screaming "wait up Mommy"! Her idea of a casual walk was, I think, what "serious" walkers now call "speed-walking". Today though I held my own and kept up. Hopefully I didn't slow them down too much. A couple of thing that helped...

1) The woodpecker in the tree that caught their eye... and we STOPPED to look at!
2) The strange duck / goose breed in the bay we again STOPPED to check out!

I was very thankful for these 2 moments as they both gave my legs a bit of a break. I have a feeling I have not been using my treadmill to it's full potential. By the time I arrived at my door my legs were like jelly. After I stretched I was so happy I did it! And I will be joining them for the next adventure on wednesday. This time... 6AM... AM I CRAZY!?!? I keep teasing Sara and calling her my Drill Instructor.

After a shower and some breakfast, the boys and I were off to the playground for our "playdate" with Connor's "Best Buddy" Michael and his sister Ari... and of course their mom Jen.

Connor couldn't wait to wear his new sneakers that look just like Nani's. Thanks again Grandma & Pop-Pop!

We all had such a good time! Who wouldn't with some munchkins, juice boxes and great friends to run around with?!?! It was so nice to be able to catch up with Jen!

So while the kids were taking a break, they decided they wanted to go to the library which is right next to the playground. So we cleaned up and headed over. The library has a guinea pig and a bunch of toys along with a table set up with keyboards they can pretend they are typing on. So while the kids were playing, Jen helped me pick out some "big" boy chapter books that she reads to Michael and some other books her kids enjoy. They even have DVD's we can take out to. So after a little play time, and books we wanted to take out (which was a stack) we checked out, said our goodbyes, and made plans for next time. We headed home to have some lunch and see daddy.

When we pulled into the driveway Sara, Steve and Iain were out doing some springtime lawn clean-up. Steve came up with a great idea... a Cookout! The Nelsons were all in! What better way to end this warm, sunny day than cooking up some burgers, hotdogs and enjoying some cold beers with good friends!

We even had entertainment

Hope you all enjoyed this beautifull spring dayas well... forecast calls for rain tomorrow... boo... pssstt

Shopping adventures

Connor has now outgrown pretty much all his pants. He is getting so big! The poor thing would try to get himself dressed. He would grab a pair of pants... come to me or Peter with such a sad face and say "these are too tight too"! So we decided its probably a good time to go get him some new jeans and spring pants and while we were at it... some "real" sneakers! Anything OTHER than the Spiderman sneakers! He has been wearing these pretty much the entire winter! Don't get me wrong, EVERYONE knows of my love affair with Target, and these sneakers actually worked out GREAT! They were really cheap, price wise, and he didn't where sneakers a lot during the winter... Boot Season. But with Winter coming to an end (we HOPE) it was time to get into some good old fashion sneakers. Something that can hold up to punishment given out by our active little 5 yr. old! For all of you who may be worried that the Spiderman "kicks" are going into retirement, have no fear! They are merely being put into a less prominent role... they are now the "Official Dirt Sneakers" of the Nelson household! Actually, with Spring coming, they may even see more action!

So off to Stride Rite with the gift card from Grandma & Pop-Pop... Thanks Grandma & Pop-Pop!

Connor picked out his own pair of sneakers... and was so excited that he wanted to wear them home!

Then we were off to get some new jeans, sweats, and spring pants! Hello Children's Place... even though I don't feel I should be endorsing this place for some... um personal reasons! So NO PICTURES of our adventures there! Love you Kerri!
But since the boys were so good and patient through this shopping experience they were able to ride some of the "rides"...

For those of who know me, I'm sure you are shocked that I let them ride these electronic petri dishes... I am quite shocked myself! For those of you who don't know me... let's just say I have what some would call an "extreme" dislike of germs... and any of it's potential carriers. When Connor was little he would want to go on these... I would always say "oh sorry sweety, its broken". HELLO... GERMS! No way my kids were going on them... Purell or no Purell!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Spring training...

On Wednesday, after the cars, trucks and bikes were exhausted. Connor raided the garage and found... Bat and Ball!

We had the T-ball going for Gavin and Iain...

Connor preferred to be "pitched" to...

Yes, that is Sara pitching to Connor... mommy was not up to Connor's standard . He would sigh everytime I thru a pitch and he wasnt able to hit it. It could be that I am not really into baseball but I did try... well kind of. I think I just felt bad that Sara had to keep pitching to him... sorry!

Connor was hitting the ball really well! I'm thinking I better start a savings account for all the broken windows I'm thinking we may have to replace in the future.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Cars, cars and more cars

This is what they have been doing tonight. It amazes me how they entertain themselves and come up with this stuff...

oh yea and in case your wondering...these cars are "hiding" from the Monster Trucks so they do not get crushed.

I am just wondering...does this mean they are no longer afraid of my Vacuum?

Well off to put them to bed so I can go watch my new favorite show House. I'm addicted to this show and so excited I have a bunch taped.

Nite nite

Monday, March 23, 2009


It's cold outside today, what a difference a day makes. It was such a nice weekend and I was going to put away the winter coats. Good thing I didnt! The boys went outside today and were all bundled up again.

They wanted to ride their bikes and scooter so we had them put on ear muffs... Gavin's seem to be keeping his cheecks warm... not his ears!

My sinus' have been bothering me so Peter ran to Whole Food's to get me one of these:

A "Neti Pot"... guess what I'll be doing tonight?!?!

Hey if you run into "Spring" tell him we are looking for him!

Outdoor fun.

As party favors for Iain's Birthday yesterday they got big outdoor balls. They just loves these things! So today was all about kicking, throwing, and catching! They couldn't wait to get outside to play with them!

I swear these two, Iain and Gavin (below), have their own language. It is so funny to watch them interact. I have a feeling we'll need to keep a close eye on them when they get older! Especially considering that Connor may be giving them "advice".

Where did the weekend go?!?!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Happy Birthday Iain!

Today the boys had a birthday to go to... one of their Best Buds Iain's! They have been looking forward to for the past 2wks! They kept asking "Is today Iain's birthday party? No? When it gonna be again?" So today... it finally arrived! They were especially excited that they each got to pick out a gift for him. They could not wait to give it to him (nothing to do with the fact they wanted to play with it). The boys had so much fun running around Iain's grandparents house with him and his friend from school. The girls... just stood quietly and watched these 4 crazy "Boys" run around pushing cars, pushing each other, chasing each other, etc. (that was before the pizza and cake).

This is the birthday boy and his mom Sara:

After cake... and the split second it took Iain to tear open all his gifts... we all went outside to run off the effects of the "sugar buzz". It was so funny to watch the girls playing with the hoola hoops the correct way... while the boys saw it as something to fling, throw around each other's necks, or pull each other around the yard with. After running around the yard chasing each other and a scavengar hunt for pine cones we were headed home.

The hope of naps was definitley dancing around our heads... Peter & I were soooo tired... but that didnt really happen.

Have a feeling it will be a early night for all of us.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Adventures with Dad

Today was Gavin and Peter's outing for the trip to Quest for his blood work. We told him he was going to the Doctors... so he was okay leaving. But I guess when Peter pulled into parking lot Gavin informed him " This not the Doctors! I no like this place!". Poor thing... I hate needles and especially when it evolves blood being taken... one reason why I'm not the one taking him. He would never get it done.

Before the blood work hanging out in the waiting room:

And after... visibly not very happy (my poor baby).

but look see what they did! To quote Gavin... "they hurt me"!

So after a pack of fuit snacks, some juice and finishing with a Loli-Pop all was right in Gavin's world.

Then tonight after an early dinner, Peter took the boys over to the Providence Children's museum. Once a month they have "Free" night where you get to run around the whole place for free...can't beat that! We haven't been there in what seems like vorever! Sometime last summer... in the months when it's usualy dead. Well tat was not to be the case tonight... I guess the winter months its different. I usually go with them but havent been feeling so great so I stayed home and Peter took them. The boys had a blast, as usual, and Connor was a big boy and helped Peter out by listening and staying real close by.

Construction men! (hey i need my roof fixed)

tonights craft was making Kites:

Their favorite room...The Water room:

They were so tired and wet by the time they got home.
Hope you had a fun friday night too.
(I did nice and quiet!...Thanks Peter!)