Thursday, April 30, 2009

Aunt Kaka...

***NOTE*** before you hit play on video go to bottom of blog and pause my playlist you can hear the video...when done with video unpause it so you can hear the song bc gavin helped pick it out.

Happy Birthday Aunt Kaka!!!

We love you!

{{{hugs}}} and Kisses

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Birthday Girl....

Today is my lil sis's birthday.

I wish I was there with her so we could have a few laughs on her special day.

Happy Birthday Kerri!!!

{{{Hugs}}} & Smack..kisses

Love You...Miss you...

Monday, April 27, 2009

Opening Day

Saturday was the town's Baseball opening day and Connor's first T-ball game.

and his side kick...

Which happens to be one of his biggest fans. He was screaming... "You can do it Connor! You can do it Connor"... aw he not listening me!"

Connor and one of his coaches... daddy!

Batter up!

Running the bases...

Playing the field...

The cap cracks me up...
And.... boredom begins to set in...

The game was a success! No score is kept at this level and the WHOLE team plays the field at the same time... it is so funny to see them all on the field with really no clue! No pictures of this bc too many faces to blur! Each team gets up to bat 3x... I believe it is suppose to be 4 but our game was already running into OT.

Lesson learned today
  • Um I really do not know anything about baseball! Oh boy... this is going to be a long season lol! I guess those batting hats are there for a reason.
  • Running to your son when he has just gotten hit with a ball in the chest will get the response " Mommm.... I'Mmmm finnne"... with him walking right past you. I guess mommies day of helping with boo boos is best left for at home with no one around. sniff.sniff.
  • It IS sunblock season ALREADY... how did that happen?!
So after the game quick run home to try and eat something but too much excitment... and then it was off to the opening ceramony! It was alot of fun. The teams line up (and in our case a sibling... Gavin) and they march on to the field following the flags and drums! They all sit with their team again we had an extra person... Gavin. Oh he was so excited to sit with them. He actually chose or should I say insisted sitting with them over ME... hmmmph. So a few speakers and a National Anthom and they were done. Good thing too... it was so HOT out! So a trip home, playing outside with Iain, ate lunch outside then it was off for a cool treat...
ICE CREAM... the season has begun!

Oh and of course on a hot day... ya need some DEL'S!!!

So the first ball of the season was thrown today... so here's to a fun and exciting T-ball season!
Is there a T-ball for Dummies book?

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Happy Birthday!

My Nani would have been 93 yrs old yesterday...amazing. I just LOVE LOVE this picture of her. Isn't she looking like she is having such a blast!

We all have a little bit of her in us...our family can definetly have a fun time no matter what or where we are. Thank you Nani!


Happy EARTH Day!

Hope your enjoying your Earth Day!

Connor made this at school today to pick up "Trash" and he kindly suggested "maybe we can use it to clean your car mom"...hmmp. (dont think the bag is big enough)

Now we are just "hanging" out ....waiting for daddy to come home tomorrow...yippee

(Gavin's toes)

The excitment knocked this one (score! one to go!)

Safe trip home Daddy! We REALLY miss you!!!!!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Fun times with Good friends...

This weekend was packed with fun times. We had T-ball practice, Easter Egg hunt and luncheon, birthday party, spring clean up and just hanging out time! Here are some pics of our fun packed weekend.

Planting Sunflowers

Easter egg hunt

Found out we have a family of birds living in our tree... Peter was wondering why his car was "white" every day... with Bird droppings!

Daddy washed the cushions so we get to play in the water...

Watching Daddy put air in all the bike tires so we can now go "Super" Fast- Yea... Mommy's thrilled!

Taking a walk with good buddies...priceless

Then it was MONDAY- BOO HOO!

and Gavin woke up with a bad earache-he was trying everything to stop it from hurt. I walked in to see this...

Gavin is on antibiotics and Connor is on allergy meds and both are doing much better!

Hope you all had a fun weekend. It's raining and cold today but I'm not complaining... bring it on mother nature and make my lawn grow!

Can ya heaya me???

Can you hear me???





This is what I was hearing Gavin saying and actually Yelling as he was walking thru the house with... headphones on!

This kid cracks me up!

Go Red Sox, Go Red Sox...

The Barrington Red Soxs that is! Connor's t-ball team name! He is so excited! When he found out the team name... he was wearing a Red Sox tshirt! Guess the town ran out of sponsors for the teams so Marco, the team's manager, sponsored the team and got to pick the name.

Team coach... Coach Pete!

Running bases... (By the way... that is NOT Connor's Pink Glove!)

Batter up!

Saturday was their first practice and they all did really well! I dont know much about baseball but I am definetly routing for this Red Sox team!!!

Mother Nature... HELP!!!

We have had it with our lawn... or lack of one! We cannot go through one more season of looking at it. The lawn must be so embarrased being the only one on the block to win the "worse" lawn award for 3 yr in a rown. So to help out our lawn and to boost its confidence we set out to fix the problem.

So Peter did his research and ventured out to pick up all the stuff we or actually he needed to help this pathetic lawn. We had planned to do it over the weekend but once we had the stuff it was like a kid with a new toy... just cant wait.

We as a family all rallied around to support our lawn's new makeover. The boys dined outside and I drank my Bloody Mary that Steve made for us. So the lawn would feel the love.

So if any of you have any connections at all to Mother Nature or if she is reading this... Please help our little seedlings grow!!! PLEASE!!!

Bunny, Worms and bumps

The Easter Bunny must know how much "the Boys" (aka, Connor, Gavin, and Iain) LOVE playing with trucks, cars and dirt... because he left a basket with some "outdoor" cars for them!He is one smart bunny! He must have seen that most of the ones they had were pretty banged up do to the elements, being buried and oh yea if they were lucky to survive the lawn mover! They weren't in the best shape.

Then when they took a break from the cars... and decided the basket was a great mask... and chased each other all over the yard!

Then Gavin and Iain found these.... uck! WORMS!!!!

They tried to put them in the Sara's garden but um... without a head dont think it mattered! Again... yuk!

Soon after, Gavin wiped out when the boys started chasing the basket that was been blown away by the wind. I thought when he fell that he hit his mouth and was expecting blood but nothing... thank God! Then when Peter picked him up I could see from across the lawn a HUGE "Grapfruit" protruding off his forhead! So Peter whisked him off to the doctor. Didn't get a good picture though... sorry!

He is okay. They said if you're going to hit your head... the forehead is the best spot to do it. He also really hurt his thumb and if it continued to get swollen they would xray it. Plus... soon after the meds kicked in they were dancing around to the Toddler Tunes. BOYS!!!!!

That afternoon we did try and venture outside again until he tripped... AGAIN! That's it... I'm DONE... Inside the house for the rest of the day! So we got out the paints... which didn't last too long. So Peter brought up the Geo Tracks and set up a big train track for them which did last a while but they had more fun with this...

Do boxes ever get old??? They had a blast in it cracking themselves up!

Wow alot of adventure for one day... happy Wednesday!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Homeward bound

You would think we were spending weeks the way I pack! Mom always says I bring to much stuff with me but I just want to be prepared ya know. This trip back home we were taking even more stuff with us . Since Connor has graduated into a big big boy bed my Aunt Carol let us have my Cousin's headboard he no longer needs and two mattresses! Thank you Thank you Aunt Carol!

So we ventured over to her house to load up the minivan and were able to see Andrew! The boys were thrilled and Connor was able to tell him that his Dad showed him how to play Mario cart (Connor saw the pictures of Andrew showing Gavin and had a meltdown resulting in his begging Peter to show him).

This is Gavin "YELLING" GOOD BYE MURPHY! Poor Murphy... she was like "leave already kid!"

The boys begged Peter to take them to the lake so they could look... and throw some rocks in the water.

That's when they realized... Hey... Aunt Carol has a pool too... hmm... Pool Party!

It was soon after that we were on our way home... bound for Rhody! Peter always gets home before me and this is what I pulled up to...

The meltown soon turned to smiling faces when they saw they had packages

Cookies sent from Aunt Steph!

So while the boys ate cookies, I unpacked and Peter put up our new "home"

SURPRISE...We are moving to a tenting community

NOT! The boys want to go camping. So, this summer our backyard will become "The Open Wilderness" for an evening. Peter was able to get a tent from a friend from work.

So we are safely home!

Thanks mom for a fun visit and a wonderful Easter!

Thanks Uncle Brian for letting the boys play with your phone -they keep trying to take ours and we suck because we say NO! lol

Thanks Aunt Carol for the boys gifts and for the furniture... so much appreciated!

Love to all
