Long post ahead. You may want to get a beverage or a snack or something. Hey its been a while cut me some slack!

Yep his Aunt Kerri and Uncle Brian! He says his Uncle Brian is so funny! Wow they actually trumped the Broghs impressive. lol.

After a week of sickness in the house we were not ready to venture out in the cold. so I set up a obstacle course in the house. This way the boys could run around and get the sillies out and I could straighten up a bit. Have to say the house was in pretty good shape considering I was out of commission for a week- thank you Petei. Isnt it amazing how much paper etc. one accumutates during a week. Well I was to lazy to go thru it all so I was basically moving it from one location to another to make things look clean (Hey no judging!) So in the middle of my "reorg" I hear Connor walking around asking for tape. You would be amazed at what they can do with a roll of tape! I figured he was going to tell me he needed to tape up his cars or trains but nope... he tells me he needs to "decorate his office". How silly of me, Of course! Because every 5yr old has an office and of course it needs to be decorated right. Oh I can see my brother Brian smiling now! Well it seems some how Connor came across a picture that was printed on piece a paper and wanted to hang it on his office wall. Now the mystery here is how a photo that was printed out about a year ago, down the basement wound up in my dining room and how did Connor find it? Truth be told we havent a clue and quite honest too tired to even try and figure it out. So you must be wondering, hmm what picture??? I'm sure you wonder if it's of Broghie right, or is it of his mommy... awww how sweet, perhaps it is of his daddy, or maybe his baby brother. Yep, that would NO (I now right shocked, gasp), and oh yea NO, NO and a NO. It was a picture of......
Yep his Aunt Kerri and Uncle Brian! He says his Uncle Brian is so funny! Wow they actually trumped the Broghs impressive. lol.
Oh and just to let you know there is so much tape hanging that picture up it may never come down!
Oh and a side note. Connor is now giving out autographs. Awesome right! Yes he went up to his dad this morning at oh 6am with his guitar around his neck, paper and pen in his hand and asked him how you spell your "Favorite Band". So after Peter helps him he hands the paper to him, gives him a big thumps up and a wink of the eye and says " Hey,this is for you, it's my autograph." Pretty lucky daddy, I haven't been able to get mine yet but maybe soon. Maybe when he is helping out Bruce Springsteen's band I can say I remember when. (ok no one bust my bubble by doing the "age"math! a mom can dream to right!)
Hey I warned ya it was a long post!
We're FAMOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL too funny...I got your text message requesting permission for the picture but had no idea it would be that!! PS bri wants a copy! B/c as we both know (as well as connor) bri is just so funny...and he thinks so too!!