Friday, February 27, 2009

Holding on... the last bit of winter. Looking around the neighborhood, you can find what's left of three tiny little mounds of snow. One on our lawn, one on our neighbor Sara's lawn, and one on Joe's lawn... the boys refer to this one as "Joe's Hill". So they were out there with their shovels, dump trucks and matchbox cars.

I think they will be sad when there is no more snow but I have faith that they will get over it rather quickly, see today was a warm, sunny 47 degrees which made the snow/ice mound soften and the surronding area all wet... which was just preparing them for their next favorite season... MUD season!!! Oh Yes! It has begun! They just love to play in it and bury their cars in it and shovel and transport it from one house to another. Beautiful, dirty, squishy MUD! They even found, in the back yard, a bucket that was once filled with snow that is now water which made the dirt all nice and muddy today and more fun to bury the cars in. Oh the joys of the first thaw!

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