Friday, March 20, 2009

Adventures with Dad

Today was Gavin and Peter's outing for the trip to Quest for his blood work. We told him he was going to the Doctors... so he was okay leaving. But I guess when Peter pulled into parking lot Gavin informed him " This not the Doctors! I no like this place!". Poor thing... I hate needles and especially when it evolves blood being taken... one reason why I'm not the one taking him. He would never get it done.

Before the blood work hanging out in the waiting room:

And after... visibly not very happy (my poor baby).

but look see what they did! To quote Gavin... "they hurt me"!

So after a pack of fuit snacks, some juice and finishing with a Loli-Pop all was right in Gavin's world.

Then tonight after an early dinner, Peter took the boys over to the Providence Children's museum. Once a month they have "Free" night where you get to run around the whole place for free...can't beat that! We haven't been there in what seems like vorever! Sometime last summer... in the months when it's usualy dead. Well tat was not to be the case tonight... I guess the winter months its different. I usually go with them but havent been feeling so great so I stayed home and Peter took them. The boys had a blast, as usual, and Connor was a big boy and helped Peter out by listening and staying real close by.

Construction men! (hey i need my roof fixed)

tonights craft was making Kites:

Their favorite room...The Water room:

They were so tired and wet by the time they got home.
Hope you had a fun friday night too.
(I did nice and quiet!...Thanks Peter!)

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