Saturday, March 28, 2009

how much fun can you have in one day...

Wow the birds get up really early and so was I for that matter! I even had Peter set the alarm so that I would be up at 6am, I had hopes we would need it... but we didn't. As usual, Connor was up before 6am. Our very own little human alarm clock! Wondering why I "wanted" to be up so early? Well, I was heading out for a walk with my friend Sara and her friend Susan at 6:30AM... yes... I said 6:30... AM!!! I know shocking right... me up and actually out the door at 6:30AM! I figured I could handle a nice casual walk thru the neighborhood. Enjoying the quiet and peaceful morning. Yea... well not so much. I was transported back in time, to when I would go for a walk with my mother. We would no sooner step outside and she would be off like a shot! And I would be jogging to catch up with her, screaming "wait up Mommy"! Her idea of a casual walk was, I think, what "serious" walkers now call "speed-walking". Today though I held my own and kept up. Hopefully I didn't slow them down too much. A couple of thing that helped...

1) The woodpecker in the tree that caught their eye... and we STOPPED to look at!
2) The strange duck / goose breed in the bay we again STOPPED to check out!

I was very thankful for these 2 moments as they both gave my legs a bit of a break. I have a feeling I have not been using my treadmill to it's full potential. By the time I arrived at my door my legs were like jelly. After I stretched I was so happy I did it! And I will be joining them for the next adventure on wednesday. This time... 6AM... AM I CRAZY!?!? I keep teasing Sara and calling her my Drill Instructor.

After a shower and some breakfast, the boys and I were off to the playground for our "playdate" with Connor's "Best Buddy" Michael and his sister Ari... and of course their mom Jen.

Connor couldn't wait to wear his new sneakers that look just like Nani's. Thanks again Grandma & Pop-Pop!

We all had such a good time! Who wouldn't with some munchkins, juice boxes and great friends to run around with?!?! It was so nice to be able to catch up with Jen!

So while the kids were taking a break, they decided they wanted to go to the library which is right next to the playground. So we cleaned up and headed over. The library has a guinea pig and a bunch of toys along with a table set up with keyboards they can pretend they are typing on. So while the kids were playing, Jen helped me pick out some "big" boy chapter books that she reads to Michael and some other books her kids enjoy. They even have DVD's we can take out to. So after a little play time, and books we wanted to take out (which was a stack) we checked out, said our goodbyes, and made plans for next time. We headed home to have some lunch and see daddy.

When we pulled into the driveway Sara, Steve and Iain were out doing some springtime lawn clean-up. Steve came up with a great idea... a Cookout! The Nelsons were all in! What better way to end this warm, sunny day than cooking up some burgers, hotdogs and enjoying some cold beers with good friends!

We even had entertainment

Hope you all enjoyed this beautifull spring dayas well... forecast calls for rain tomorrow... boo... pssstt

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