Next step is dropping him off... where we have another routine. It starts with all of us (Connor, Gavin and, myself) going in... taking off Gavin's coat... trying to get Gavin to "go play"... then pushing Connor out the door as we try to escape! All this as Mrs. Dewey holds him and tries to direct his attention onto something else. While Connor and I are making the mad dash down the driveway I can hear, in the background, Gavin screaming... "I want my mommy". My poor baby!!! The heart strings pull everytime!
So today, I assumed, would be the same. Well, not so much. This time, when I take off his coat, he goes off to the play table... ALL BY HIMSELF! This is great... because I'm usually dragging him over to the table. I then get Connor's attention to get to the door... OH NO... Gavin sees him and he comes running over to me... but no worries... I'm ready to make the dash! But something's different... he has a smile on his face. Hmmm... curious. He then says, and I quote... "ove you ma ma"! So I give him hugs and tell him I love him too! But wait... he runs back to the table... and starts to PLAY?!?! Um... EXCUSE ME?!?! What the heck is this??? No grabbing at me??? No beggin me to take him with me??? No crying... no drama?!?! I was SHOCKED! So shocked I almost froze... not sure of my next move, I simply turned around and left... in a daze. But when I got to the end of the driveway I realize... I left with his jacket. So back in I go, fully excpecting the drama to unfold as it should... but still nothing! What's going on here? As I right this, I'm still not quite sure how I feel about this. Yes I know, this is great... big step... blah blah blah... WHAT-EVER people! I know he is happy to be there... I mean, I know he's alway's happy once he settles in but this time no drama. Jeez... he could have at least preteneded... or maybe weened me off of his complete dependancy on his Mommy to make him feel better about being at school. Needless to say, I was not prepared! LOL. I should have known something was up when I had let it slip this morning that he was going to school and he actually clapped and said "Yea! School!"... and then ran off... hmmm
So Connor and I came back home and did some crafts while I printed pictures
When we picked Gavin up he was wearing this...
Now there's a pot of Gold at the end of that rainbow! He's the cutest Lepraucan I have ever seen!
Happy Wednesday!
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