Sunday, March 22, 2009

Happy Birthday Iain!

Today the boys had a birthday to go to... one of their Best Buds Iain's! They have been looking forward to for the past 2wks! They kept asking "Is today Iain's birthday party? No? When it gonna be again?" So today... it finally arrived! They were especially excited that they each got to pick out a gift for him. They could not wait to give it to him (nothing to do with the fact they wanted to play with it). The boys had so much fun running around Iain's grandparents house with him and his friend from school. The girls... just stood quietly and watched these 4 crazy "Boys" run around pushing cars, pushing each other, chasing each other, etc. (that was before the pizza and cake).

This is the birthday boy and his mom Sara:

After cake... and the split second it took Iain to tear open all his gifts... we all went outside to run off the effects of the "sugar buzz". It was so funny to watch the girls playing with the hoola hoops the correct way... while the boys saw it as something to fling, throw around each other's necks, or pull each other around the yard with. After running around the yard chasing each other and a scavengar hunt for pine cones we were headed home.

The hope of naps was definitley dancing around our heads... Peter & I were soooo tired... but that didnt really happen.

Have a feeling it will be a early night for all of us.

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