Monday, April 20, 2009

Easter Part Two...

The boys hanging with Lauren, Carol and Mike waiting for the Easter Egg hunt to begin...

Let the hunt begin...

Broghies wanted to be with the boys- Hey wait for me guys...

Now that Broghies here to help...we can take a break!

hey Brogs lets go see what we got!

Checking out the goods...

ooh Candy

oooh a car (Connor was more interested in the money and toys than the candy)

Showing Lauren the trucks the Easter bunny left them

One crashed during dinner....

The boys hanging out with broghie under the table. I can remember hanging out under my nani and pops table I used to have so much fun.

Before Dessert Course outside for a breather and BUBBLES....

I dont remember bubbles being this fun...bliss

Uncle Brian is so much fun...

Aunt Carol bought the boys Coloring books and crayons so after most people left the boys talked Aunt Kerri and Uncle Brian into coloring with them

Brian was told or demanded that he had to color on the floor

So while the "girls" chatted away over wine and candy the boys hung out on the couch...

Uncle brian let Connor use his new Blackberry... so Kerri had really no choice but to let Gavin play with hers! He is "crazy" just like Connor says! lol They rock in the fun department!

So I hope you had a wonderful Easter as you can see we did!

oh...Just a warning kids this is what a little "wine" and whole lotta sugar can do to ya....

Good times!!!

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